Google Coding Competitions 2023
Pripremi se na zadnje izdanje natjecanja Google Code Jam i Kick Start, koje se ove godine nažalost umirovljuje! Kao nastavak dugotrajne tradicije, Računarska sekcija KSET-a ove godine u suradnji s informatičkim klubom X.FER organizira hub za sve lokalne natjecatelje - uživo!
Misliš da možeš riješiti Googleove algoritamske zagonetke i izazove? Udruži se kako bi ti i tvoja ekipa riješili Googleove inženjerski probleme u zadnjem, združenom natjecanju zvanom “Google Coding Competitions' Farewell Round”!
Preuzmi ulogu Googleovog inženjera i suoči se sa sličnim problemima na ovom natjecanju u programiranju za studente i mlade profesionalce (18+) diljem Europe, Bliskog istoka i Afrike. Sudjelovati možeš samostalno, a na natjecanju će te dočekati stvarni inženjerski problemi i zadaci. Spremni za izazov?
Ova godina je posebna jer se Google nakon desetljeća provođenja svoja tri natjecanja (Code Jam, Kick Start i Hash Code) odlučio pozdraviti s njima!
Navedena “oproštajna runda” će se sastojati od 4 istodobne runde u kojima će se nalaziti Code Jam i Kick Start tipovi problema različitih razina zahtjevnosti. Runde koje će biti dostupne, a čije je aproksimacije težine opisao Googleov organizacijski tim slijede:
Runda A je prikladna za početnike.
Runda B otprilike je na razini Kick Start runde ili Code Jam runde 1.
Runda C teža je od Code Jam runde 2, ali lakša od Code Jam runde 3.
Runda D je namijenjena iskusnim natjecateljima, tj. po težini je između Code Jam Round 3 i Finala.
Sudjelovati možeš u bilo kojem od svih navedenih krugova po vlastitom izboru bez obzira na rezultate ostvarene u bilo kojim od prethodnim runda.
Raspored rundi je sljedeći:
Runda A traje u periodu 16:00 - 20:00 sati.
Runda B traje u periodu 16:01 - 20:00 sati.
Runda C traje u periodu 16:02 - 20:00 sati.
Runda D traje u periodu 16:03 - 20:00 sati.
Prijavi se za sudjelovanje na linku.
Vidimo se na FER-u, 15. 4. 2023. u 16 sati!
Get ready for the last edition of Google Code Jam and Kick Start! As a long-lasting tradition, the KSET Computing section will this year with Computer Science Club X.FER organize a live hub for all of the Zagreb regional competitors.
Think you could solve Google's algorithmic puzzles and challenges? Join in to solve Google's engineering problems in the last, joint competition called the “Google Coding Competitions' Farewell Round”!
Step into the shoes of a Google engineer and tackle similar challenges during this programming competition for students and professionals (18+) across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa organized by Google. You can participate independently, and in the competition, you can expect real engineering problems and tasks. Are you up for the challenge?
This year is special because, after a decade of running its three competitions (Code Jam, Kick Start, and Hash Code), Google has decided to say goodbye to them!
The Farewell Round will consist of 4 concurrent rounds with Code Jam and Kick Start-style problems of different levels of difficulty. The rounds, whose difficulty approximations have been described by the Google organizing team, are as follows:
Round A is appropriate for beginners.
Round B is about the level of a Kick Start round or a Code Jam Round 1.
Round C is harder than a Code Jam Round 2 but easier than a Code Jam Round 3.
Round D is meant for experienced competitors. It is between a Code Jam Round 3 and Finals difficulty.
You can participate in any and all Rounds of your choice regardless of performance or participation in any prior Rounds.
Check the rounds schedule at the link.
Register for the competition at the link.
See you at FER on Saturday, April 15th at 4 pm (GMT+1) sharp!