K: Tudosok


Tudósok /the scientists/ - Budipešta

Nakon nekoliko godina nam se vraćaju Tudósok , jedan od legendarnih mađarskih underground bendova. Muzika koju stvaraju vuće korijene iz avantgarde pomiješane sa funkom, free jazzom, punkom i drum'n'bassom, a koncerti im odišu energijom, improvizacijom, epileptičnim ritom, ekspresivnom poezijom i dadaističnim pričama. Dovoljno je spomenuti da su iza sebe zaredali nastupe po cijenjenijim klubovima i festivalima od New Yorka (Knitting Factory, ...) do Londona, Budimpešte (Sziget, Big ear, ...), Berlina, Amsterdama itd.

Bend je osnovan kasnih '80ih u Novom sadu od strane pisca, slikara i glazbenika drMáriása (Bela Marias). Bend se početkom rata seli u Budimpeštu gdje ostaje sve do danas.

Cijena ulaznice je 35kn, ulaz se otvara u 20h, a koncert počinje oko 21:30.

Postavu čine:
drMáriás – vokali, alto sax, truba
Dávid Endrei – bass
Gergely Jeli – bubnjevi
Parizs - elektronika


" Tudósok is known for it’s consequent radical experimental musical language in the idiom of rock and jazz. Tudósok, it is The Scientist chose to do research in themselves, achieving the heights of musical and poetical expressionism and dadaism. Bursting with energy, epileptic rhythm, expessive poetry and absurd-like tales, their music transmits a synthesis through a pure power of improvisation, avant garde attitude, deconstructed jazz and „neu”rock into an original, new scream that is joyful to hear. Captain Beefheart, Pere Ubu, Arto Lindsay, Lounge Lizards, Blurt, Nhe Zdahli and the Contorsions have all been mentioned to compare their music with, but they are something completely different, a unique new sound coming directly from the tragical and absurd present of East-Europe." /Sir David O’Clock, World Wide Wreck/
